Tuesday, January 24, 2012

so true

We take so much for granted, it's important to stop and take a moment to be grateful every day. How saying thank you for the small things, we find they are really big things.  How little it takes to make someone else's day better. It brings back faith in other people and in your life. 

There is so much good out there and I am grateful. 

Thank you.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I've been bad...

at blogging these last few weeks.  I'm trying but finding it difficult to figure out what to write about. 

I think it must be January blahs.  Day's seem to come and go fast but the month does not get any shorter. 

And somehow my camera is lost.

I'm happy to let it figure itself out and make the best of it.  What will be will be. 

Life is good.

Hugs ~ Jenn :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm back!

Finally after a LONG break.  

Here's a few pictures from our holiday vacation.  We had some good times.  Hope you did too.  

a treasured surprise from a faraway friend (thanks sweet Susan!)

Gingerbread house where the angry snowman lives!
I wrapped all the night before, hurried and cleaned up the "evidence" and went to bed around 3 a.m.  Next day, Christmas Eve 6 p.m., everyone is here a little early.  I'm looking for my new sweater dress that I wanted to wear and can't find it.  Realized that I must have thrown it away with all the paper (by this time lots of garbage has been taken out from all the cooking.)  Dino went through every bit of trash we had with no luck.  Threw this on, tied my hair up and drank a lot of punch!

....oh and I did find
my dress the next day hung up right where it should have been, in my closet.

Coconuts on her Christmas list.....she's a little coconut!  My nephew photo bombing her!

yeah snow!
yeah, a lot of snow!!
"Relaxing" ....knitting, talking on the phone, and watching tv.  (please don't judge me by the bottom of my girl's socks)
Quickie room re-do....don't have a before picture but trust me we de-cluttered and got rid of ALOT. 
We are all grown up now.

"Louise" you never know where she's going to be.  Thought she looked lovely with all my jewels!
Well that's it.  Thank you for all the Christmas and New Year's wishes.  If you haven't heard back from me yet, you will very soon...how can someone feel so tired after a break?

I am feeling inspired for the next season though and after finishing up a few orders, I'll be posting some new things on my website.

Thank you for your friendship, kind words, and big hearts.  Wishing you all the best in 2012!

Love and hugs ~