Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pretty Things... and PW Scrumptous Apple Pie

"Natures peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves"
~John Muir

Just a quick update this morning. I'm having a party today for Dino and my Dad's birthday and I've been working hard but having lots of fun working in the garden, baking, changing up the house to look more cozy. Really no work at all!
I love the fall and it's perfect days. I was getting ready to plant up some mums and found this big guy sitting there saying hi! Hee Hee! Apparently he knows how well he looks in orange. mums probably have bugs! Oh well isn't he beautiful?

Yesterday I made this wonderful "Scrumptious Apple Pie". Making a birthday cake also but I really love pie more and wanted something sweet for me. This is a "Pioneer Woman" recipe and if you haven't checked out her blog you all her recipes (Apricot Bars are delightful!) Here's a link to the recipe... It's so perfect for this time of year.

Lastly...I received a nice comment from Doreen at Vermont Harvest Folk Art so of course I had to go check out her blog. She has the prettiest picture of her home decorated for Fall. Love the stone wall and all the trees around can almost smell the leaves. The corn stalks and pumpkins on her porch look so inviting. I'm so behind!!! It's just beautiful. Check her out.

Thats all for now ~ I need to go bake a cake! Have a happy day!!! xoxox

Monday, September 22, 2008

"Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow"
~ Anonymous

That is so true. We had to clear the rest of our big maple tree this past weekend. Half of it was blown down from the recent high winds caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ike. We are so lucky because the tree landed just at the corner of our home pulling down all the electrical wires but not really damaging the house too much.

When I say "we" cleared the tree...that really doesn't mean me. Dino and his brother Gino (just a couple of Italian guys) cut, raked and cleared everything while I tried to distract myself inside cleaning...what a wimp I am. I was so sad about that tree and the way it changed my much sun!

But today as I wandered around and truly look at the tree and its hollow trunk I think how blessed I am that it didn't fall on anybody.

Plus I have a new garden to plan this spring.

And maybe a new table......

Be happy!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Simple Things...

"I'm beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all"
~Laura Ingalls Wilder

So a few weeks ago I am carrying this giant watering can around the garden trying to place it somewhere??? I just couldn't think that day...I was having one of those off days. The next morning I'm catching up on my favorite blogs and low and behold Marilyn from Thistlebrooms Primitives had an old watering can of her dad's filled with wildflowers by her front door. It was beautiful. Just the inspiration I needed at the right time to get me going again. Getting out in the woods is wonderful to clear your mind. I have been keeping up with this every Monday after Lydia is on her way to school. This past weeks bouquet was so pretty, it made me happy everytime I walked through the door. I thought "I have to take a picture of this." As you can see my cat (aka my shadow), Hannah, liked it also.

She liked it so much she decided to have it for lunch....

Munch! Munch! Munch!

"Purrrrr I'm so happy!"

All done!

Here is a link to visit Marilyn's blog:

If you have a chance, visit the Primitive Gatherings tomorrow for their new offerings. Below are additional pictures of what I have to offer.

Have a happy week!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

Everyone remembers where they were on that day 7 years ago. It seems like yesterday to me. All those lives lost. Sometimes we are so busy with our lives and other worldly events (elections, war, hurricanes) the day is overwritten. But this day can't be erased and anything can bring it back, like an airplane, a siren, or a prayer that comes as an impulse as you walk home from the school bus stop and remember the day that they never came home.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Take Joy!

"The gloom of the world is but a shadow; behind it, yet within our reach is joy. Take joy."

I hope you all had a relaxing long holiday weekend. I know its Thursday and I'm late on the wishes but boy does the time go by. We had a little family picnic ...just Dino, Lydia and me at Cross Creek Lake by our home. A little fishing a lot of food, it was a good day.

That's a picture of Dino sitting at the table. Hard to see him but he's there. He looks exactly like Brad Paisley (he's a Country Singer for those who don't listen to country music). It's freaky to see him on tv...Brad Paisley that is. I would show you a comparison but Dino doesn't like me posting his pictures...I think I could get by with this one though ;~)

So like I said today is Thursday. We call it "Fat Thursday"...meaning my sister and I get together and calories and carbs don't count. We've been doing this for 8 years now. We get together every Thursday night with our daughters and have a girls night. Boy am I looking forward to it tonight. I've been busy working on lots of new primitives for our Autumn Gatherings show at 1824 Antiques. And also for an update on Rabbit Hill Primitives...which is Sept 9th. I also changed the graphics one night (not on the list) but felt like playing on the computer. I was up until 2 a.m. and what a learning experience. It's much easier to buy graphics let me tell you.

I hope you all have a happy day and "Take Joy"