Monday, August 31, 2009

Funnel Cakes and Corn Dogs

Yesterday I woke up with a little end of summer cold. And today there is a chill in the air that predicts what is coming. With those two things I actually made a pot of tea instead of a cup this morning. Now I'm all jazzed up on caffeine and will probably be running for the bathroom all day! I do love my tea though. A busy day of shipping and sewing ahead. Pot Roast in the crock pot then tonight I'll be updating the Early Works Mercantile site for September 1st.

Last week we visited our local county fair. It was so much fun and a cheap date for the family as well. One pass buys all....carnival rides, bands, demo derby, livestock, the blue ribbons of veggies, flowers, baked goods and quilts and crafts. I love it. Plus all the good "healthy" food. Caramel apples are my favorite. We had a great time and even won a fish "Robbie" who now hides out in our pond.

All the animals were sleepy.

"yes we do! "

Largest Veggies

How rude!

He looks like a killer.

Sending warm happy thoughts to you today. Jenn

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Working Working Working

Good Morning! I've been working on a little update for August on Rabbit Hill Primitives website. Stop by this evening if you have a chance ~ 8:00 p.m. eastern time.

We are having leftovers for dinner tonight, ~Penne a la Betsy~ which I made last night and it was delicious. I have to rave about this Pioneer Woman recipe! My family was waiting patiently while I take this picture ~ NOT!! I didn't even get a chance to mix it before snapping the shot. Made our house smell great and all our tummy's were rumbling. 20 minutes to make ~ that's my kind of meal.

Now back to work for me. I've got a busy day ahead!! Have a happy one ~~ Jenn

Monday, August 24, 2009

School Time

Goodbye summers lazy days! It's time for the new year to begin. If your a mom then you know the new year begins with the school year not January 1st. I can here pots and pans banging all over the neighborhood!

The beginning of the school year it is still my favorite once I know Lydia is settled in AND once I've come to realize I can't stop it. Plus it will be good to have a schedule again. I think us moms all feel that way. I know my mom did. Growing up every time a locust would cry out waaah, waaah, waaah, (can you hear it?) my mom would get a little twinkle in her eye. Now every time I hear a locust I freak out a bit that summer is almost over. Those last weeks before school starts I hear the locust say "swim at the pool" "go camping before its to cold" "your laziness is almost over" "hurry hurry hurry" get the picture.

Now that it's happened I am looking forward to autumn and the coziness of the season. I still miss my girl though.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

"Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" ~Author Unknown

For those of you who have a sweet tooth like me (I do love my mini-muffins) enjoy a good laugh and watch this.

Sending happy thoughts today.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Favorite Quote of the Month

" A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water."
~Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, August 15, 2009

"I'm going back to Charleston, back where I belong"

And I can certainly see why Rhett.

While away on vacation, my sister-in-law, Anne, her mom, Jeannie and I escaped for a day trip to Charleston. It is everything you would expect it to be. Everyone was so kind and the homes where beautiful and so well-kept.

I took these pictures while driving. Good thing the people ARE so nice :)

What is the deal with the fancy front door to the porch? Everyone in Charleston seems to have one. I want a fancy front door for my porch....
Rainbow Row.... Prettier than pictured (again ~ still driving)
History: In 1931 Dorothy Legge purchased 99 and 101 East Bay, beginning the renovation of the area between Tradd and Elliot Streets. Originally these mid-1700 homes had been the center of commerce; merchants had stores on the first floor and lived on the floors above. Neglect over time left these valuable buildings in a state of disrepair. The purchase and restoration by Mrs. Legge inspired others, and today this beautiful array of homes is known as "Rainbow Row".
While there we had lunch ate at this wonderful little place called the Hominy Grill which was fantastic. I've already planned my menu choices for the next visit.
This was my meal...makes my stomach growl. Shrimp and Grits. It was the best meal of my entire trip. Sauteed shrimp, mushrooms, scallions and bacon over cheese grits. I loved this so much that I bought their cookbook for the recipe.

For dessert we couldn't decide so we each picked something different to share. Jeanne had Buttermilk Pie, Anne had the Sweet Potato Layer Cake and I had the Pecan Pie. I think we all agreed the Buttermilk Pie won but trust me there was not a crumb left of the others. The Chocolate Pudding was highly recommended also ....again next time.

Charleston is a truly lovely and charming city.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Crickets, Katydids and Fireflies

We have a little cottage on the Allegheny river. It is nothing special but everything special to us.

My grandfather built the cabin back in the 50's when my mom was a little girl. He passed away this last spring but will always be with us there. Last week was the first time I've been there since he's been gone.

Last summer with my good friend Audrey

Growing up we had lots of fun swimming in the river, catching frogs, water skiing, fishing for minnies, doing crazy kid things like riding in the center of an inner tube down a hill into the river (don't ask). I played my first game of jarts there...does anyone remember those? My sister and I shared our birthday parties there...we are both June babies. So many memories that when I visit, the cabin talks to me. I can hear my grandma getting mad over a game of Aggravation and still smell coffee early in the morning even though we are tea drinkers.

There is a screened in porch with two day beds and a swing that I think came from my great grandma's house. Sleeping outside on a hot summer night was the best. Falling asleep on the porch with a chorus of katydids and crickets while the fireflies are still dancing around and a hint of the dwindling campfire still in the air is heavenly. In the morning when you wake up you can see the fog lifting off the river and the sun rising over the mountains. It's beautiful.

Simple easy it is to forget that when it comes to happiness simplicity is the key. My grandfather knew this and I hope to pass it on to my daughter.

Monday, August 10, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

Two weeks away sure seemed like an eternity. It was good taking a break, turning off the computer and having fun with the family but now I'm back, antsy to start creating again. Plus I've missed everyone. I need to catch up on email and blog friends.

I haven't made dinner in two weeks either and never thought I would say this but I'm tired of eating out. I miss home cooked meals on our back porch and have lots planned for the week.

Today is going to be hot and muggy here in PA. I've got some shipping to do and a few things to work on this morning. Then Lydia and I are headed to the pool and I can't believe it but it's time to shop for school clothes....two weeks until the craziness begins. I'm gonna miss my baby.

I'll be posting about new creations, our vacation, a special recipe and more later this week. Have a happy one today and always.