Thursday, May 26, 2011

Frogs in the Garden

really he's a toad but i thought frog sounded better in the title.

Going through my baskets to replant , I found this little guy under an old pot of dirt still stuck in there from last year...highly organized gardener that I am. 

I don't know how long or how he even got in there but he gave me such a start, I screamed - loud!!! 

He looks angry 

 "get outta my house!"

He now lives in here.  A highly secretive place so the kids won't find him and want to keep him as a hostage in their bedrooms.

He's been in and out of there for the last 3 days so maybe after 6 years of vacancy the frog house will have it's first boarder. 

Sunny hugs,
Jenn :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Great Summer Salad to Impress Your Friends With....EASY!

Hi Everyone!  I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.  Wishing for summer with no more of these bad crazy weather days.  We've been lucky so far with just tornado warnings.  My thoughts and prayers are on the rest of the country that's been affected.  It is so very sad.  Normal ordinary days are just fine with me. 

My friend served this salad at a Mary Kay party a few weeks back.  We loved it!!  So much so that last night at dinner I only remembered to take a picture for you when there was just bits left in the bottom of the bowl.  It's that good.  Simple and pretty, perfect for a picnic.  Can you believe Memorial Day is upon us already??

Happy Wednesday ~ Jenn xo

Sweet Summer Salad
1/2 cup (cut small) Strawberries
1/2 cup chopped Mangos
1 cup Candied Pecans chopped (or Walnuts*)
Baby Spinach
Baby Romaine or any kind of Spring Mix
     (I did big handfuls of both the spinach and romaine)
2 Green Onions chopped
Gorgonzola Cheese ~ to you liking

Toss all together in bowl and set aside.

1/8 cup Red Wine Vinegar
1/8 cup Pure Maple Syrup
1/4 cup Canola Oil
1 TBSP Dijon Mustard
Salt and Pepper

Put all in a cruet or sealed jar and shake.

Mix together with salad right before serving.

*If you can't find candied pecans or walnuts, add a little sugar and the nuts to a skillet and stir until sugar becomes melty.  Let cool.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

waiting for the rain to stop

Good morning everyone!  Hopefully where ever you are the sun is shining.  (and if so please send it this way.)

Isn't this the prettiest rose ever?  That is truly it's fancy stuff added.  I just bought it last weekend and I'm dying to get out in my garden to plant it....or just do anything!

We've only had 13 sunny days since March 1st ~ what the heck??

I snuck outside yesterday when it slowed to a drizzle and snaped a few pictures.

I was very selective because there is so much weeding that someone has to do...

Ever notice how things bloom in colors?

Do I say that every year??

Purple is blooming right now.

Today's forecast appears to be a little better.  I sure hope so.  Tonight is Lydia's dance recital and tomorrow is her class picnic.

Looking forward to the weekend.  Things are suppose to brighten up, then we can get our gardener's out there to get that weeding done!  (I can dream if I want.)

Have a wonderful day and weekend!

Jenn xoxo

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Primitive Gathering Offerings ~ Vintage Velvet

Strawberries made from old velvet with vintage felted wool for caps.

Pretty little velvet pincushions has always tugged at my heart.  Whenever I find any little piece of velvet something I snatch it up.  Recently I got lucky and found a nice little stash of old velvet at an antique store in Lancaster County.   I felt like I hit the lottery.  Making these little strawberries pin cushions out of this wonderful velvet has been such a pleasure.   They are being offered on the Primitive Gatherings this month.  If you have a moment, please stop on by and take a look.

Wishing you a happy Tuesday :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

what's going on....

Yes, we are still working on our house.


before ~ lots of dust from sanding!
It is taking so long because we did not like the way the floors turned out the first time it was finished so we did it on ourselves.  (not as hard as you would think.)


morning nap break
We are now finished with the floors but....

finished floors
We had some water damage in one wall and took that down to the studs.  Dino patched and mudded it this weekend and now we are about to paint!  woo hoo!!  My goal is to have it finished before my birthday in June (wishing on a star ~ please, please, please!)

The dogwood branch above is my color inspirations for the living room.  I'll post more on that soon.

Happy Tuesday!
Jenn xo

Monday, May 2, 2011

BIG Thank You's

Thanks everyone who wrote comments to my daughter's post last Thursday.  She stayed home with me on "take your kids to work" day.  I had her pick something she wanted to create and then blog about it.  She was thrilled and so excited about all the feedback.  She wanted me to let you all know that she has decided not to sell her mouse but keep it since it was her first :)

On another note...

Thank you to the brave U.S. Navy Seals team and all the men and women of the military serving around the world doing your part to make it a better place to live.  Remembering the 9/11 victims today and hoping their family members feel some closure and a little peace.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Early Work Mercantile Offerings for May

Oh this has been a crazy evening.  I realized at 9:00 p.m. that tomorrow (well now today) is May 1st!  I thought I had one more day to finish up my offerings for this month.  Instead I realized I had 3 hours!!  I don't know what happened with my brain but I just made it with one minute to spare ~ whew!!!!

Here they are....

Sweet Little Mouse ~ sold ~ thank you!

Violet Sewing Keep ~ this has been sold, thank you!
A few Olde-style Sock Kitties ~ both kitties are sold thanks!!

For more info please visit Early Work Mercantile and while there take a look at all the other great offerings this month.

Happy May Day everyone!!
xoxo  Jenn