Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday Updates

It's drizzly and cool today....feeling like autumn overnight.  A pumpkin candle is burning, I'm baking some muffins and sewing orders.  I do enjoy these changing season days and the snuggly feeling it gives.

she is sold ~ thank you!

Today I wanted to share with you my offerings for the Primitive Gatherings.  A delight to make  ...especially the tiny mouse!  For more information click here.

Thanks so very much and have a lovely day.


  1. Hi Jenn!...we are supposed to get some of that cooler air here tomorrow and will be a nice relief!...LOVE the pumpkin doll you made, I'm not surprised she got snapped up!


  2. Hi sweet Jenn, Your garden is so beautiful! I love the color of your mums. It sounds like you are having a lovely day! Autumn is my favorite season, and thankfully we are having autumnal weather today! I love that snuggly feeling too! :D
    Your pumpkin girl is so sweet and beautiful, but I especially love the pumpkin make-do with the mouse! You are so creative! It is just darling!!!

    Have a lovely day! Paula

  3. Hi Jen, Love the pumpkin doll. Great job. And the pumpkin with the mouse, precious. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait for those cooler temps. to arrive here in the South. Have a gteat weekend.

  4. Hi Jenn,

    You have a lovely garden, with the pink flowers and birdbath.
    Love your new pumpkin and sweet mouse.

    Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the Autumn weather.

  5. Hi Jenn ~~ Love you garden picture and happy that the Fall Chill is in the air. Your mouse is adorable and the Sold PumPkin Lady is a Treasure !!
    Love & Fall Hugs My Friend ~~ xox

  6. Be still my heart! I adore your sweet pumpkin and cute-as-a-bug mousie!

    Happy weekend to you Jenn...


  7. Hi Jenn, lovely to see you back in blog land after the summer break!

    I do so like your Pumpkin Lady, she is just fabulous! One day you will have to do an update that is kind to us prim lovers over here across the pond, lol!

    It has turned cooler here too, mind it hasn't exactly been a scorching hot summer, but it certainly is cool enough of an evening to light a fire and I heard on the news today that we are predicted snow fall for October!! What is going on with the weather, snow in October, doesn't bode well for the rest of the winter.

    Have a great week,
    Warm Hugs


Your comments are ALWAYS welcome. Thank you!!