Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How Dry I Am....Nobody Knows How Dry I Am

This has been day two with no water for us. There was a large water main break and the water company had to shut off our neighborhood to fix. I really am jealous...

On the brighter side...no laundry was done today.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I have a pet peeve. Its called plastic bags...especially the kind you get from the grocery store. Why are we still using them? And how come nobody informs the employees that if someone asks for no plastic bags, do not ask me if I want my eggs, greeting cards, meat...in a separate bag. Most of the time when I say "no thanks" the employee thinks I'm a little over the edge with recycling.

Have you ever heard of the "Eastern Garbage Patch"? This "patch" is really a trash mass that researchers estimate weigh roughly three million tons, covering almost two times the size of Texas. It floats between Hawaii and California. There is also a Western Garbage Patch between Japan and Hawaii. The hugh amount of trash in these areas are not piled up like garbage dumps; but massive amounts of debris float just below the surface...trillions of plastic particles and contaminants.

BYOB, "Bring Your Own Bag". It's so easy to obtain reusable bags, why are we still using plastic? You can purchase these bags for as low as .99 cents at your local grocery store. If you want to be fashionable, for $5.00 plus shipping you can get a really nice large reusable bag from icarebags.com and its recyclable!

1,400 plastic bags are used annually by the average American family.

I think one person at a time can make a difference.

Bird Photo: Pajarito Environmental Education Center

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Baby Bunny and Simple Recipe ~ Banana Muffin Mini's

Hannah, my cat brought me a present the night of my update. Here's a photo of the baby bunny right before I chased her around the house and into my sewing room...of all places ~ so many nooks and crannies in there. I tried opening the screen door which she is practically leaning on but it squeeks and that scared her to run the other way. What fun. She is just fine now and back in the woods where I hope she will stay.

I make these at least once a week. For those of you who don't know me I have a confession....I need to have dessert with my breakfast every morning. Forget dinner, I crave the sweets in the morning. If I don't have something sweet I make something because I HAVE to have dessert with my breakfast every morning.

These little gems are delightful. They are fast to make....I can make the batter in the time it takes the oven to heat up. I usually freeze them right after they have cooled from the oven so they taste fresh everyday.

Very Ripe Banana Muffin Mini's

1 Cup Mashed Banana ~~ 3 bananas = 1 cup
1/4 Cup + 2 TBSP Canola Oil
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
1 Egg
1 tsp Vanilla
1 1/2 Cups Flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Baking Powder
3/4 Cups Chopped Walnuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Line mini muffin tins with muffin papers or grease tin.

In bowl combine bananas, oil, sugar and salt; blend well. Add egg and vanilla; beat well.

In another bowl combine flour, baking soda, baking powder and walnuts. Add to banana mixture; stir just until moist. Do not overmix. Sometimes I just combined the dry ingredients in same bowl but on top of the banana mixture and mix with a fork not yet incorporating it in until it's been mixed a little...I know it's wrong but I'm lazy and it works.

Spoon batter into preparted muffin tins until 3/4 full. Bake in preheated oven for 10-11 minutes.

Makes 3 - 4 dozen mini-muffins.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I completely forgot...

A few photos from my shade garden. Please ignore the weeds....I mean wildflowers ~ yea that's it...that's the ticket! (hee hee remember that saying??) I'm solely here for my own entertainment. Sorry....

I love blue lupine but sadly they are almost finished now.

We have a little goldfish pond with a small dribbley waterfall buuut....

the showstopper for me by the pond is the Sum and Substance Hosta's...its still early in the season. Their leaves will measure about 10" wide by 20" long when all grown up.

I love the different textures of these blue hosta's with the Japanese painted ferns. That little tiny heart shaped leaf on right is Epimedium. It's a wonderful and tough little ground cover that gets sprays of pale yellow flowers in early spring.

Another view looking towards the pond.

I love moss ~ period.

Wild Roses on a faded picket fence that the deer have no problem jumping over. Luckily my garden is just an appetizer for them. My retired neighbors have hugh lovely vegetable gardens behind me and that's really where they are headed!

Well that's it! Have a good one today and everyday! xoxo Jenn

Monday, June 22, 2009

Giveaway Winner and Update Tonight 8:00 p.m. est

Drum roll please....tatatatatatatatatatata

My lovely assistant will choose (she loves doing this).

We have a winner!

Kim from BlackBerry Crows Prims!! Thanks Kim! I'll be sending you an email shortly.

Thanks everyone for entering! I truly appreciate each and everyone of you! And will have another giveaway very soon!

Tonight I will be adding a few updates at Rabbit Hill Primitives. I hope you can join me. Click here to be added to my mailing list for updates and happenings.

Also...The Primitive Gatherings Group has been updated for June 15th. Stop by and see all the talented artists if you have a moment.

Enjoy your day and always make it a good one!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

How Sweet It Is......100 Post Giveaway

"How sweet that rose ask the bee for it knows where the honey drips from honey lips where red roses grow"

Oh my! I've been away for too long. Busy as a bee but loving life with Lydia home from school. We have been running around everyday and just dropping off to sleep easy as pie each night. That's always a blessing. She's such a good girl. She will be starting summer camp in another week and I'll have a bit more time to get work done.......I've missed my blogging friends also and need to catch up!

Don't you just love this rose. I paid $2.00 at Walmart at the end of last season. Don't you just love it more now?? I love a good deal! I think its called "Wild Blue Yonder" It's even more magical in person with a hint of blue at its edges.

I've been working on an update for June 22nd. I've got lots of things started here just sitting around naked with no limbs ~ boy does that sound morbid. These things have to get done in stages you know. They will all be dressed and ready to go by the 22nd.

I can't believe this is my 100th post! You all are wonderful for reading my ramblings. I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. In honor of my 100th post I'm giving away this little mouse sitting on a wool pin cushion tuffet. He is weighted and not attached so you can use them together or separately.

To enter, post a comment here before the end of the day on June 20th. To post a comment click on ~Share Your Thoughts~ at the bottom of this post. Then scroll down and you can post your comment in the box. If you don't have a blogger id or can't figure out how this silly comment thing works just send me a quick email and I'll enter you in.

I hope you are all well and enjoying a beautiful sunny Saturday. For my friends in Australia I hope your winter so far has been a mild one. Have a happy day! xoxox Jenn

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Offerings Tonight at Rabbit Hill

Does anyone else have a noisy cat? All she does is talk to me all day long. This is Hannah's favorite spot when it's raining.

Lots of new goodies will be added for a June update this evening at 7:00 p.m. est. Hope you can join me. Click here to visit or to be added to my mailing list for updates and happenings.

Also Early Work Mercantile has been updated for June 1st. Stop by and see all the talented artists if you have a moment.

Enjoy your day and have a happy one!