Monday, April 26, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

"He who plants a garden plants happiness"
~ Proverb

Last week I FINALLY got my hands dirty with a little gardening.  I'll show more pictures later.  This one was actually taken looking out my studio doorway before I even started weeding so please don't look to closely.   

I've been busy with orders and am also working on an update for Rabbit Hill.  Pretty sure it's going to be on Tuesday next week, May 4th I think?? 

My mom and I took a little trip to Lancaster County this past weekend and found some good things to sell.  Not as many as I would have liked because the weather was not cooperating and I think most of the vendors stayed home.  That didn't stop us though!  We shopped and shopped until my husband called to warn us of some bad storms coming our way....The wind began to switch the house to pitch; And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch; Just then the witch, to satisfy and itch; Went flying on her broomstick thumbing for a hitch!

I love that song, Can't stop now, grab your helium balloons and think munchkin voices....
The house began to pitch, the kitchen took a slitch
It landed on the wicked witch in the middle of a ditch
Which was not a healty situation for the wicked witch!

Driving home was not like that at all luckily.  Every time the weather started getting bad we'd go through a tunnel and like magic the other side was always clear and sometimes sunny.  It sure feels good to be back home today though.  Thanks for reading my silliness and have a happy Monday!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Good Times

What a gorgeous day we are having.  The Settlers' Fare was a success and I'm glad to be home.  I've been working in the garden today.  I'm taking a little lunch break and thought I'd post a few pictures from the show.  I haven't too many because there never seems to be the right time in taking them but I found a few more on Cecelia's website Henhouse Primitives, take a peek.

Lunch is over back to work play :)  Enjoy this lovely spring day ~  Jenn
 Don't you just love the flag bunting box the bears are sitting on?

Lots of little birds

  and mice too...

Old teddy from Ivy Hill Primitives ~ I really wanted him!!

I really wanted him too....he's a dwarf miniature horse. 
Notice he is just a little taller than the daylilies beside him.  What a sweetie, he loves to eat dandelions...really I need him!  He was at one of the shops we visited the day before the show.  Look at his jealous "bigger" brothers in the background.  I had to share him with you!!

p.s. Just found this today (4/22/10)....more pictures from the show here on Settlers' Fare website.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Inspiration Friday

"It's never too late to be who you might have been."
George Eliott

I'm so working on that one lately.  It is NEVER too late.  Follow your dreams, your bliss, your inspirations.... "Know Thyself" although in some situations it is better to know others :)   I've been hard at work sewing for the Settler's Fare next Saturday (April 17).  I needed some inspiration this dreary morning for a little motivation.  I'VE GOT SO MUCH TO DO!  After this show is over I'll be updating my website.  Then I'm taking a week for my garden....well maybe not a week but I'm investing some time for sure.

These are just random garden pictures (its spring and all I think about is gardening) that I had in my files.  No time to think of a nice theme this morning just a bit of sunshine on a cloudy day.  Have a wonderful weekend!  Jenn

  I have a bird bath that has a crack but still looks good.  I love the moss garden in this bird bath...simple and beautiful.

This looks so inviting to me...the roses, purple catmint, all of it, so abundant.  I love how it overflows the rock wall.
Above three photo's Martha Stewart

This is Maxine Paetro's Garden in the spring.  A place I would love to visit during open garden days.


Above two photo's and birdhouse photo by Jennifer May

Monday, April 5, 2010

Belated Wishes

"Only those who look with the eyes of children can lose themselves in the object of their wonder"
~Henry Ward Beecher

Hope you all had a lovely and sweet Easter day.  Enjoy the week ahead.  xo Jenn

Friday, April 2, 2010

Pretty Eggs for Easter

Alrighty these are not what our eggs are going to look like but aren't they pretty??  I have 3 dozen ready to go for tomorrow.  I would love to make some like these but instead we will have tie-dyed Easter eggs this year :)

Happy Saturday everyone ~ it's suppose to be 85 degrees!  Isn't that crazy??

Click here for the instructions on how to make the speckled eggs.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Early Work Mercantile April Offerings

(This has sold.)
I only have one offering this month.  I've been busy as a bee but won't ever complain about that!  Thankful for every little bit of busy~ness :)

This month I'm offering the springtime gathering above.  which includes the bunny, strawberry and cloth covered box.  For additional pictures and lots more info please visit Early Work Mercantile.

Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day where ever you may be!